Introducing our newest team – Youth Economy

The Youth Economy team was formed in response to the first COVID-19 lockdown and the urgent need to prepare for the economic shock being felt hardest and longest in south and west Auckland and for Māori and Pasifika rangatahi.

The team builds on an existing understanding of how rangatahi attach to high quality career pathways, but now takes a broader view of how young people move through the different realms of the economy and the many economic roles they play.

Our vision is to see rangatahi having mana motuhake and being co-creators of a new and inclusive economy. We do this through developing, delivering and funding new and scalable projects that will lift prospects for rangatahi participation and agency in this and future economies.

This includes some exciting new programmes such as developing a professional development programme for existing young entrepreneurs and supporting young people to lead and facilitate on matters they are passionate about. Through such projects, we will demonstrate how young people can have a more meaningful role in the economy – one that sets them and their whānau up for sustainable wealth and wellbeing in their lives.