Human Learning Systems – Aotearoa New Zealand Launch

There are some exciting shifts occurring in the public sector in Aotearoa New Zealand. These include efforts to prioritise a wellbeing approach, to give effect to Te Tiriti and Māori-Crown partnership, and to re-configure power and existing investment and accountability mechanisms to better enable community and local leadership in place. These shifts require new capabilities, capacities, and practice. They provide an opportunity to draw on indigenous knowledge for systems change/transformation, and ultimately a different way of being and doing in government. These are shifts that we need to ‘learn our way into’.

On Wednesday 3 November 2021, the Centre for Public Impact, the Auckland Co-design Lab, The Southern Initiative and Inspiring Communities presented the Aotearoa New Zealand launch of Human Learning Systems: Public service for the real world.

Human Learning Systems offers insight into future ways of working that take us beyond outdated public management approaches, and can help us consider how we move towards approaches that are better equipped to engage with the complexity of people’s lives and the complex issues we face globally. The launch of this e-book was an opportunity to come together with experienced practitioners in an interactive format, around what needs to be an ongoing conversation and effort in Aotearoa around how we build and invest in the public service capabilities of the future.